Re: 2.6 kernel won't reboot on AMD system - 8042 problem?

From: David N. Welton
Date: Wed Aug 11 2004 - 07:47:27 EST

Vojtech Pavlik wrote:

Could you please try the patch below? I am interested in tests both with
and without keyboard/mouse. The main idea is to leave ports that have been
disabled by BIOS alone... The patch compiles but otherwise untested. Against

Well, this has a problem - plugging a mouse later will never work, as
the interface will be disabled by the BIOS if a mouse is not present at

Nor does plugging a keyboard in work either. On the other hand, for the application this computer is destined for, not being able to reboot is far, far worse than adding a mouse/keyboard at run time, so I'm happy. I'm still willing to work on and test patches, though, as I think it would be good to get some form of fix into the kernel. And the fact that 2.4 works shows that it is possible...

David N. Welton
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