Re: [Lse-tech] [PATCH] cpusets - big numa cpu and memory placement

From: Martin J. Bligh
Date: Tue Aug 10 2004 - 16:41:43 EST

> If I understand correctly, CKRM is fine for simple resources like
> amount of memory or cputime and designed to control flexible sharing
> of these resources and ensure some degree of fairness. Cpusets is a
> complex NUMA specific compound resource which actually only allows for
> a rather static distribution across processes (especially with the
> exclusive bits set). Including cpusets control into CKRM will be
> trivial, because you already provide all that's needed.

I'd disagree with this - both are mechanisms for controlling the amount
of CPU time and memory that processes get to use. They have fundamentally
the same objective ... having 2 mechanisms to do the same thing with
different interfaces doesn't seem like a good plan. I don't think CKRM is
anything like as far away from being ready as you seem to be implying -
we're talking about a month or two, I think.


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