Re: [RFC] Bug zapper? :)

From: John Richard Moser
Date: Mon Aug 09 2004 - 22:14:31 EST

Rik van Riel wrote:
On Mon, 9 Aug 2004, John Richard Moser wrote:

What I'm suggesting isn't much though, is it really?

Then why haven't you done it already ? ;)

Alright, it's a big undertaking ;)

On a more serious note, some other people are already
auditing the code on a regular basis, while you weren't
paying attention ...

I'm suggesting things to make code auditing simpler, more accurate, more precise. "Quality-Assurance audited code still contains on average 5 bugs per kloc" is a really nasty thought. was the major explaination. It's big and clunky to have before each function; but at least it's not ugly, and it's potentially helpful. Maybe a few of the like in the smallest driver possible to see how it feels? (/dev/mem?)

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