Re: libata: dma, io error messages

From: Paul Jakma
Date: Fri Aug 06 2004 - 12:05:46 EST

On Fri, 6 Aug 2004, Jeff Garzik wrote:

libata does not (yet) retry cable errors, for example. Paul, don't automatically assume the disk is bad, try swapping cables.

Hmmm, I'll see if that's possible, though:

- My spare cables are exact same brand
- I dont know how to 'cycle' the drive

(iirc, libata doesnt yet support hotplug and/or the old "reset the bus by doing echo 'scsi remove-single-device' and then 'add-single-device" trick)

ie, is possible to avoid a reboot?

also, the drive has been running fine since late may with this cable, and two other identical cables/drives are still happily running. Also, before putting the drives into use, I did some load-testing (bonnie++) which they survived quite happily.


Paul Jakma paul@xxxxxxxx paul@xxxxxxxxx Key ID: 64A2FF6A
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