Re: [PATCH] token based thrashing control

From: Rik van Riel
Date: Wed Aug 04 2004 - 06:33:25 EST

On Wed, 4 Aug 2004, Song Jiang wrote:

> The intention behind the score = time/size is very sound, but
> I am not sure how sensitive the performance is to the formula.
> We may need to tune it carefully to make it valid.


> Do we need to periodically compare the scores of registered processes?
> If yes, that would take queueing complexity.

Hmmm, good points. And my "queue of one" idea has the danger
of registering a process that doesn't want the token any more
by the time it's handed off...

Maybe we should use the "time/size" score to influence the
chance that a process gets to try and steal the token, in
effect just modifying the odds.

After all, thrashing should be a relatively rare situation,
so the code should be as low impact as possible...

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