Re: [BUG] FAT broken in 2.6.7-bk15

From: Jesse Stockall
Date: Sun Jul 04 2004 - 08:46:41 EST

On Sun, 2004-07-04 at 07:28, Ali Akcaagac wrote:
> Hello,
> The recent changes in 2.6.7-bk15 broke FAT support. I am doing some
> rescue backup systems here using tools like syslinux and mtools to
> format a normal msdos disk (for el-torito). I figured out that after
> creating and formating of these disks that it is impossible to mount
> them with 'msdos' or 'vfat'. Even recompiling mtools with current
> changes show the same issues. Please someone check up and fix the issues
> (maybe reverting the changes).

Check syslog for error messages, I had a similar problem due to the
codepage module not being loaded. Sometime after 2.6.7 there were config
changes for FAT default codepage.


Jesse Stockall <stockall@xxxxxxxx>

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