Re: Stop the Linux kernel madness

From: viro
Date: Thu Jun 17 2004 - 20:22:36 EST

On Thu, Jun 17, 2004 at 06:00:45PM -0700, 4Front Technologies wrote:

> That's right Al, 4Front, ATI, Nvidia are all evil!. OK so now get on with
> life.

How dare you? What in damnation name had given you any reason to assume
that demagogy has anything to do with that?

It's not about "evil" (whatever, if anything, that word might mean).
It's not about Nvidia.
It's not about ATI.

It's about your (personal or institutional - I couldn't care less) lack
of basic integrity. It's about exercises in misdirection worth a politician.
And it's about attempts to come and demand that which had been clearly
denied to you by those who get to decide what you will be given.

For the record, I have zero problems with whatever license you are using
and my only problem with your business model is that you appear to assume
that the mere fact of your existence gives you the right to demand something
from people who owe you nothing.

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