OSDL CGL 3.0 performance draft announcement

From: Eric . Chacron
Date: Thu May 06 2004 - 07:53:43 EST


I would like to announce the availability of an
early public draft of the OSDL Carrier Grade Linux v3.0 Performance
specification, available at:


This draft includes requirements made from telecom industry perspective
on Linux performances and scalability.

Thanks in advance for your comments.



-I acknowledge that the requirements in this draft are being implemented
in a variety of ways and many of the requirements in this document exist
in current implementations. I am contacting this mailing list because I
believe your projects and expertise may address some of the requirements
and we'd like to solicit feedback.

-Again, this is an early draft document of the v3.0 performance
requirements spec. Past OSDL Carrier Grade Linux technical documents
have contained all requirements in a single document. For OSDL CGL
v3.0 draft releases, we are releasing them as more granular sections,
roughly split on functional boundaries. These boundaries are
Standards, Availability, Clustering, Hardware,
Performance (this document), Security, and Serviceability .

-More information on Carrier Grade Linux and the Carrier Grade Linux
Working Group can be found at:

-Feel free to direct any comments on the spec to me directly at
eric.chacron@xxxxxxxxxx or to cgl_discussion@xxxxxxxxx

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