Re: sigaction, fork, malloc, and futex
From: Edgar Toernig
Date: Tue May 04 2004 - 19:40:09 EST
Steve Beaty wrote:
>... the signal handler fork another child.
Uhh... just read that POSIX actually allows that. Evil!
I guess you're entering undiscovered land...
> void sig_handler (int signum)
> {
> int child;
> fprintf (stderr, "Process %d received a SIGALRM signal\n", getpid());
> if ((child = fork ()) == 0)
> {
> fprintf (stderr, "%d exiting\n", getpid());
> exit (0);
> }
> fprintf (stderr, "%d waiting for %d\n", getpid(), child);
> waitpid (child, NULL, 0);
> }
No fprintf and exit in a signal handler! Use write and _exit instead.
> if ((child = fork ()) == 0)
> {
> fprintf (stderr, "%d sending SIGALRM to %d\n", getpid(), parent);
> if (kill (parent, SIGALRM) == -1) perror ("kill 1");
> fprintf (stderr, "%d exiting\n", getpid());
> exit (0);
> }
This exit is dubious too. _exit is better.
Good luck, you may need it - ET.
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