Re: Possible to delay boot process to boot from USB subsystem?

From: Bill Catlan
Date: Mon May 03 2004 - 00:22:08 EST

Thanks Randy. As the below output shows, your patch
applies cleanly to 2.4.26 source, but I have not yet
had the chance to compile and test my configuration.

[root@plain linux-2.4.26]# patch init/do_mounts.c
patching file init/do_mounts.c
Hunk #1 succeeded at 367 (offset 1 line).


--- "Randy.Dunlap" <rddunlap@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I updated that patch to 2.4.22 but haven't checked
> it since then.
> I can't test it... if you can, that would be great.
> If it doesn't apply cleanly to 2.4.26, let me know
> and I'll work
> on it.
> Patch is here:
> --
> ~Randy

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