Re: [PATCH] Blacklist binary-only modules lying about their license

From: Marc Boucher
Date: Thu Apr 29 2004 - 21:17:30 EST

Dear Sean,

On Apr 29, 2004, at 7:55 PM, Sean Estabrooks wrote:

Perhaps others on this list are getting as tired as I am of your using
the term "religious bias" as a negative connotation against people who
support and protect the open source nature of Linux. Maybe you could
at least pretend to respect the people who you supposedly apologized to.

I not only highly respect Rusty but have closely worked and been friends with him for several years. The same applies to several other kernel developers.

Please don't get me wrong. We are entirely for the open-source nature of Linux, and I have been personally contributing for the last 15 years to many open-source projects (for examples, see the AUTHORS section of "man iptables", or search google for my previous email addresses marc@xxxxxxx & marc@xxxxxxx to get more historical background).

However we also believe that pragmatically bringing in support for key hardware (which currently cannot otherwise be easily handled in the traditional open-source approach) will benefit Linux, help it gain even more usefulness/acceptance, and make larger numbers of exposed people realize the natural advantages of open-source, then become contributors. On the other hand, forcing open-source down throats with impractical "tainting" schemes, scare tactics or other coercive methods may achieve the opposite effect or turn Linux into just an ideological/political movement rather than the ubiquitous operating system it deserves to be.


Marc Boucher
Linuxant inc.

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