Re: [PATCH] Blacklist binary-only modules lying about their license (-> possible GPL violation :)

From: Jan-Benedict Glaw
Date: Tue Apr 27 2004 - 08:14:10 EST

On Tue, 2004-04-27 13:59:48 +0100, Paulo Marques <pmarques@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
wrote in message <408E5944.8090807@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Carl-Daniel Hailfinger wrote:
> >This way, the module format doesn't change, but we can do additional
> >verification in the loader.
> The way I see it, they know a C string ends with a '\0'. This is like
> saying that a English sentence ends with a dot. If they wrote "GPL\0" they
> are effectively saying that the license *is* GPL period.
> So, where the source code? :)

That's another (quite amusing:) point of view. Anybody willing to ask a


Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw@xxxxxxxxxx . +49-172-7608481
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