Re: [PATCH-2.6.6-rc2-bk] NTFS 2.1.7 release: Implement NFS exporting

From: Bill Davidsen
Date: Mon Apr 26 2004 - 11:02:41 EST

Anton Altaparmakov wrote:
Linus, please do a

bk pull

Thanks! This update implements NFS exporting of mounted NTFS volumes
which people have been requesting for a while. Also, there are some minor
updates and white space cleanups. This has been tested including forcing
a server reboot while clients have open files on an NTFS volume NFS
exported by the server.

Sounds like tha answer to the maiden's prayer. And if it will allow both NFS and SMB access to the same data, I know some people who will find it most useful.

-bill davidsen (davidsen@xxxxxxx)
"The secret to procrastination is to put things off until the
last possible moment - but no longer" -me
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