Does OSS sound work in 2.6 or not?

From: Bill Davidsen
Date: Thu Apr 08 2004 - 16:03:00 EST

I have several user machines I would like to convert to 2.6 because they run threaded applications and would be happier if I did. However, being able to play forwarded wav files is also needed. I have been assurred by several people in Email that it does, *without* converting the whole machine from OSS to ALSA, but by running the ALSA+OSS emulation.

if this really works, could someone point me to a working example? I have copied the Documentation/sound config for OSS, changing only the sound card type, and it totally doesn't work. It looks like it plays but it doesn't make any sound.

I know that if I convert to ALSA I have to use their mixer to turn up the sound and disable mute, if all the people telling me they do it with the OSS mixer and emulation are wrong, I'll just leave the machines on 2.4 until I get some time to waste.

I have read the docs I can find, this is a yes/no question, will OSS work or not. I am not asking how to convert to ALSA, did that once, took more time than the benefit justifies.

-bill davidsen (davidsen@xxxxxxx)
"The secret to procrastination is to put things off until the
last possible moment - but no longer" -me

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