Re: older kernels + new glibc?

From: Lev Lvovsky
Date: Mon Mar 29 2004 - 16:37:20 EST

On Mar 29, 2004, at 1:28 PM, Arjan van de Ven wrote:
perfect - where does this variable get set? sorry for what now seems
like OT glibc stuff.

it's passed to glibc ./configure at build time; if you have an rpm based
distro you'll see it in the specfile of the src.rpm

ok, so this presents a bit of a problem in that case (assuming I'm understanding you) - I'm working backwards in this respect, as I'm using the "new" version of glibc, and an older version of the kernel than the one that glibc was told to remain compatible with - the important question, is does this order of operations (possibly) break things, or does the fact that I compiled the kernel on this new version of glibc remove any issues.


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