Re: who is
From: Denis Vlasenko
Date: Mon Mar 29 2004 - 02:39:05 EST
On Monday 29 March 2004 03:08, Larry McVoy wrote:
> Folks, I need your help.
> I can't tell if this is a DOS attack or someone with a REALLY slow net
> connection. Whoever this is has been cloning the linux 2.6 (aka 2.5)
> tree on bkbits so slowly that the tree is locked for days and can't
> be updated. About once a day I go kill the clone because stracing it
> shows it doing nothing.
> Linus and Andrew M are annoyed enough that the tree isn't getting updates
> that they complained to me. Makes me feel bad when they do that so that's
> why I'm looking for help.
> In case people want the details, we have a long standing arrangement
> wherein Linus updates and we update from that and then
> update the tree, i.e., the official tree. That's because
> Linus got frustrated with waiting for locked trees so he got one that
> can't be locked, pulls/clones from it are disallowed unless you are me
> or him. So we go through a little hop skip and a jump where he pushes
> to his tree, we pull from that, and then we push to
> That way he never waits on a push. It's good to be Linus :-)
> Anyway, we've suffered more than enough bad press so before I
> assume that this host is a rogue and filter them, does anyone know who
> is? If they really have that slow of a connection
> we'll burn a CD and Fedex it to them, nobody should suffer that much.
> But if this is just a DOS, we'll nuke 'em.
What will prevent someone else to do the same?
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