Re: anon_vma RFC2

From: Rik van Riel
Date: Sat Mar 13 2004 - 13:03:31 EST

On Sat, 13 Mar 2004, Andrea Arcangeli wrote:

> The remaining downside of all the global anonmm designs vs my finegrined
> anon_vma design, is that if you execute a malloc in a child (that will
> be direct memory with page->count == 1), you'll still have to try all
> the mm in the anongroup (that can be on the order of the thousands),

That's ok, you have a similar issue with very commonly
mmap()d files, where some pages haven't been faulted in
by most processes, or have been replaced by private pages
after a COW fault due to MAP_PRIVATE mapping.

You just increase the number of pages for which this
search is done, but I suspect that shouldn't be a big

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