RE: (0 == foo), rather than (foo == 0)

From: Godbole, Amarendra (GE Consumer & Industrial)
Date: Wed Mar 10 2004 - 23:09:23 EST

> As a result, using the former just tends to increase peoples
> confusion by making code harder to read, which in turn tends
> to increase the chance of bugs.

Kindly don't insult the kernel developers' with such statements. ;-)
They are smart enough to understand such constructs, which, I
deduce from what someone said earlier in this thread. So no
confusion would prevail here...[take it in a lighter vein folks, I
am kidding.]

> So don't do it. The kind of bug that the "0 == x" syntax
> protects against is LESS LIKELY to happen than the kind of
> bug it tends to cause.

Agreed and understood. Thanks.

Sincere apologies for my previous ``non-text wrapped'' post. This
won't happen henceforth.


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