2.4.25 clock problems on Athlon MP

From: Vincent Touquet
Date: Wed Mar 10 2004 - 06:01:09 EST

With the attached config, I get weird clock problems on our
Athlon MP box. When looking at the kdm greeter, the seconds
on the clock sometimes go forward and sometimes go backward ...
The clock has lost monotonicity.

Another symptom of this is as follows: when pinging a certain
host, the replies arrive in a few ms, but the elapsed time is
sometimes displayed as a huge number (eg. 46152871 ms [from
memory]), which shows that time has gone backwards during the
sending and the arrival of the ping, which breaks the latency
estimate (trying to fit a negative value in an unsigned value).

The same box does not exhibit these problems in the 2.4.21 kernel.

Sorry, I didn't have time yet to search the archives for this problem.
So if a patch already exists, sorry for the redundancy :)

I will also be happy to provide more information when the machine is
available again.

best regards,


PS: attached: .config / lspci -vvv / lsmod

Attachment: config.gz
Description: application/gunzip

Attachment: lsmod.gz
Description: application/gunzip

Attachment: lspci.gz
Description: application/gunzip