RE: Kernel 2.6.3 patch for Intel Compiler 8.0

From: Norihiko Mukouyama
Date: Tue Mar 09 2004 - 19:51:40 EST

Hi All!!

>I used the patch to compile two identical kernels with gcc 3.3.3 and
>icc 8.0 with oprofile support built in.
>The optimization switches were chosen quite conservative, i.e.
>"-O2 -Ob1", no IPO, and of course: no MMX, SSE, and SSE2 stuff inside
>the kernel (thus disabling Intel's great vectorizer).
>Profiling: lmbench ran ten times but time measurements were taken from
>oprofile (on Pentium 4, GLOBAL_POWER_EVENTS in kernel space only,
>counter overflow: 3.000).
>Results: 33% of the lmbench procs faster on icc, 66% faster on gcc.


If it is ture using icc 66% faster than gcc., It is wonderful.
Could you show us detail data to lmbench results.



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