Re: 2.6.x: iowait problem while burning a CD
From: Rik van Riel
Date: Fri Feb 27 2004 - 19:27:23 EST
On Fri, 27 Feb 2004, Paolo Ornati wrote:
> trying to burn a CD "on the fly" I have noticed a strange thing. During the
> burning "iowait" remains enough low (~3%, MAX 10%) but, after a little
> time, it suddenly and quickly goes up to 80-90%: in this condition MKFS
> seems unable to fill the FIFO buffer as quickly as the CD-writer writes
> Any ideas?
At that point, mkisofs is probably running into a bazillion
small files, in subdirectories all over the place.
Because a disk seek + track read takes 10ms, it's simply not
possible to read more than maybe 100 of these small files a
second, so mkisofs can't keep up.
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