PROBLEM: 2.6.3 + external firewire dvd writer - frequent freezes

From: Tillmann Steinbrecher
Date: Sun Feb 22 2004 - 08:47:12 EST


I'm using an external FireWire DVD writer (Plextor 708 in case w/Oxford
911 chipset). This was working fine until kernel 2.6.2.

Since I upgraded to 2.6.3, it frequently happens that the system totally
freezes when trying to write a DVD. It's really a hard crash, no mouse
movement, no ping on the network. Reset required.

It doesn't happen each time I try to burn a DVD, but in about 20% the
cases. So basically the writer is unusable with 2.6.3.

I searched the web and archives for the problem, but didn't find any
results, except for one guy describing the same problem, also with
2.6.3, also on this mailing list here:

However he didn't get any replies.

Please CC: me for replies, or if anybody needs .config, lspci, or other
info. The firewire controller is a Texas Instruments TSB43AB22/A.

bye & thanks for your time,
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