From: Jamie Lokier
Date: Sat Feb 21 2004 - 11:36:44 EST

Coywolf Qi Hunt wrote:
> >(the jump and indirect branch aren't guaranteed to have the
> >proper effects, although technically neither should be required due to
> >the %cr0 write):
> IMHO, why bother to re-reload %cs again?
> In setup.S, %cs is reloaded already. The enable paging code maps the
> address identically, so %cs already contains the proper selector.

It's to flush the instruction prefetch queue: that's one of the side
effects of ljmp.

I recall an Intel manual that said ljmp is required when switching
between real and protected modes, to flush the prefetch queue.

Unfortunately I don't remember what that manual said about just setting PG.

I'd guess that current generation CPUs don't care about ljmp when
changing modes, but older ones certainly do.

-- Jamie
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