Infiniband thread(s) and etiquette.

From: David Woodhouse
Date: Thu Feb 05 2004 - 18:06:55 EST

I had killed this thread because I was not particularly interested in
it. I have not looked at the code in question, and
QuiteFranklyIDontReallyWantToBecause I can imagine what kind of WORDs I
would end up using if I tried :)

However, people keep starting _new_ threads on the same subject.

Please, be polite. Do not top-post upside-down messages, and do not use
a mailer which is so broken it omits 'References:' and 'In-Reply-To:'
headers from replies, and hence breaks threading. It is simply not

I think it's time the list started to automatically bounce messages with
'Re: ' in the subject line but lacking any form of references. There are
enough non-broken mail programs in the world; we don't have to let
inconsiderate people use broken ones just because they happen to like
it. The signal-to-noise ratio is low enough without that kind of


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