RE: [Infiniband-general] Getting an Infiniband access layer intheLinux kernel

From: Bernd Petrovitsch
Date: Thu Feb 05 2004 - 18:03:49 EST

On Thu, 2004-02-05 at 23:17, Tillier, Fabian wrote:
> about the atomic abstraction for the x86 platforms. My last question
> was not a yes/no question so I'm not sure what you're answering with
> your "No" - your reply makes no sense. To clarify, the answer to a

You didn't get the point that your quoting style (Text above - full
quote below) is - ahemm - deprecated und really unreadable and the "No"
is not related to the to-include-or-not-include-the-driver question.

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