RE: [Infiniband-general] Getting an Infiniband access layer in the linux kernel

From: Woodruff, Robert J
Date: Tue Feb 03 2004 - 19:20:29 EST

If the community would like to see a 2.6 patch for just the infiniband
access layer
for starters, I don't think it would be to hard to put something

I heard from a friend of mine that 2.6 was closed to new features.
What sayith the community on allowing additional experimental drivers
(like the
infiniband access layer) into 2.6 ? Can we still submit something or do
have to wait till 2.7 ?

In any case, I am sure we can put together a patch and/or a tarball and
post it
to the sourceforge infiniband web site for those who want to play with
infiniband code on 2.6.

-----Original Message-----
From: Troy Benjegerdes [mailto:hozer@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 2:37 PM
To: Woodruff, Robert J
Cc: infiniband-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
Subject: Re: [Infiniband-general] Getting an Infiniband access layer in
the linux kernel

So, for starters, can you or Jerrie post a patch containing just the 2.6
infiniband access layer, Or create a new BK tree for 2.6 infiniband
stuff that uses the new 2.6 kbuild system?

On Mon, Feb 02, 2004 at 03:58:56PM -0800, Woodruff, Robert J wrote:
> We were waiting until we had some version of the InfiniBand code
> ported to 2.6 before asking for it to be included in the 2.6 kernel
> tree. Jerrie made the changes
> to the IB access layer to allow it to compile on 2.6, but it cannot
> be tested
> till we get a 2.6 driver from Mellanox.
> I'd also like to hear from the linux-kernel folks on what we would
> need to do to get a basic InfiniBand access layer included in the 2.6
> base.
> We'd also like to hear from Mellanox if they have any plans to provide

> an open source VPD driver anytime soon.
> woody
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