Re: 2.6.0, cdrom still showing directories after being erased

From: Tomas Zvala
Date: Tue Feb 03 2004 - 14:37:11 EST

Martin Povolný wrote:


mount disc
view contents
unmount disc
erase disc - but don't erase the CD-R drive's cache of the media
mount disc
view old contents of the media from the CD-R drive's cache

That's it exactly.

So after all my (s)wag was correct :)

So I took a quick look through ATAPI specification (I have to say I'm a user not a developer) and found nothing that would seem to flush that damn cache. So the problem is that some CD-R drives (probably the older ones) expect you to eject CD after burning (even a buffer/cache clearing after burn would seem logical to me) and there is nothing you can do about it (except buying different drive). Unfortunately it is not a kernel or cdrecord issue (if it was it could have been fixed:) ). I guess you'll just have to do with ejecting :). Sorry.

Tomas Zvala
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