Re: PATCH to access old-style FAT fs

From: Frodo Looijaard
Date: Sun Feb 01 2004 - 09:52:39 EST

Hi folks,

another update of the patch, which addresses some of the reactions and
concerns which I got in reply:

* The mount option is now called `epoc' instead of `oldfat'
* fat_search_long now jumps directly to EODir when it finds a
zero-marked entry (it took some hard looking, but I belief this
is safe).
* fat_readdirx logic is slightly simplified (but can't jump to EODir
on a zero-marked entry, regrettably).

Thanks for your feedback!

I'll try to keep this patch up-to-date with new 2.6 kernels. The latest
version can always be found on


Frodo Looijaard <frodol@xxxxxx> PGP key and more:
Defenestration n. (formal or joc.):
The act of removing Windows from your computer in disgust, usually followed
by the installation of Linux or some other Unix-like operating system.

Attachment: linux-fat-epoc-2.6.0.patch-20040201.gz
Description: Binary data