Re: PATCH to access old-style FAT fs

From: Frodo Looijaard
Date: Thu Jan 29 2004 - 05:57:46 EST


I have run a small test in MS-DOS 5.00:

1) Create a new directory
2) Create five files in it
3) Change the first character of the second filename to 0x00 with an editor
4) Do a DIR listing: only one file is seen
Linux shows four files!
5) Create a new file
6) Do a DIR listing: there are five files

So MS-DOS 5.00 at least does stop when a 0x00 marker is found, but does
not write new 0x00 markers when a 0x00 marker is overwritten.


Frodo Looijaard <frodol@xxxxxx> PGP key and more:
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