Re: [PATCH] Laptop-mode v7 for linux 2.6.1
From: Bart Samwel
Date: Mon Jan 12 2004 - 08:01:26 EST
Dax Kelson wrote:
There seems to be a typo in the script. It
reads /proc/acpi/ac_adapter/AC/state to determine the AC Adaptor state, but
this is in the ACAD directory instead of the AC directory.
Hmmm, Dax says it works for him, and I don't have an ac_adapter on my
machine because I don't own a laptop. Dax, is this a typo or is it
actually called AC on your machine?
On my Dell Inspiron 4150 it is called AC not ACAD.
Hmmmm. Does anybody have any idea why these names differ? Googling for
acpi/ac_adapter gives me hits on a number of different programs that
check for ac_adapter/*/state. I've seen AC, ACAD, 0 and 1 for names, so
they're really pretty variable. So, a wildcard seems appropriate. Dax,
if you agree, would you test + send in a patch to correct this? I can't
do it myself because I can't test it. TIA!
-- Bart
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