Re: Syscall table AKA hijacking syscalls

From: Libor Vanek
Date: Fri Jan 02 2004 - 08:29:03 EST

Matti Aarnio wrote:

On Fri, Jan 02, 2004 at 01:59:08PM +0100, Libor Vanek wrote:

I'm writing some project which needs to hijack some syscalls in VFS layer. AFAIK in 2.6 is this "not-wanted" solution (even that there are


So what is proper (Linus recommanded) way to do such a things? Create patches for specific syscalls like "if this_module_installed then call_this_function;" or try to force things like syscalltrack to go into vanilla kernel some time? Because what I've found out there are more projects which suffer from this restriction.

There is, of course, whole slew of politically coloured
issues with this chainability.

I think that issues with chainability are ALWAYS whenever you try to do this hijacking general.


Libor Vanek

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