Re: Best Low-cost IDE RAID Solution For 2.6.x? (OT?)

From: Johannes Ruscheinski
Date: Sun Dec 28 2003 - 16:46:16 EST

Also sprach Joel Jaeggli:
> well if you currently have 1tb in 8 non-redundant drives then you using
> 160GB disks... no?
> the biggest p-ata disks right now are ~320GB so you can do a ~1TB software
> raid 5 stripe on a single 4 port ata controller such as a promise tx4000
> using regular software raid rather than the promise raid. that would end
> up being fairly inexpensive and buy you more protection.

Fisrt of all: thanks for the advice Joel! Two questions: why not use the
hardware raid capability of the Promise tx4000 and if we'd use software
raid instead, what would be the CPU overhead?

> linux software raid hsa been as releiable as anything else we've used over
> the years, the lack of reliabilitiy in your situation will come entirely

Good to hear.

> from failing disks, lose one and your filesystem is toast.

I was aware of that, thanks!

> joelja
> On Sun, 28 Dec 2003, Johannes Ruscheinski wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > We're looking for a low-cost high-reliability IDE RAID solution that works well
> > with the 2.6.x series of kernels. We have about 1 TB (8 disks) that we'd
> > like to access in a non-redundant raid mode. Yes, I know, that lack of
> > redundancy and high reliability are contradictory. Let's just say that
> > currently we lack the funding to do anything else but we may be able to obtain
> > more funding for our disk storage needs in the near future.
> >
> --
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Joel Jaeggli Unix Consulting joelja@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> GPG Key Fingerprint: 5C6E 0104 BAF0 40B0 5BD3 C38B F000 35AB B67F 56B2

Dr. Johannes Ruscheinski
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