Re: r8169 GigE driver problem, locks up 2.4.23 NFS subsystem

From: Francois Romieu
Date: Wed Dec 17 2003 - 19:56:48 EST

Marcus Blomenkamp <Marcus.Blomenkamp@xxxxxxxx> :
> I tcpdump'ed both sides on transferring 1 Megabyte to the 8139 based machine
> for both low level transfers (UDP, TCP) and on filesystem level (NFS).
> NFS: dd 1M to remote file
> UDP/TCP: dd 1M trough netcat
> TCP: scp 1M file
> Very interestingly i could not reproduce the NFS lockup during this double
> monitoring setup. So i ran it twice - once for each machine in promiscious
> mode. And guess: If the 8169 NIC is in monitoring mode, NFS writes do not
> lock up. I can even recover the machine from stalling by explicitly entering
> promiscious mode and SIGINT'ing the writing process.

The dumps show that the server misses frames and/or sees generous amount
of garbage during UDP transfer. Which transfer rate can you achieve for big
writes between 8129 ?

Can you:
- retrieve the ifconfig output on the client/server just before and after the
write (8192 sized NFS from 8169 to 8139) ?
- send a dump of a 8192 bytes sized 1Mo write from 8139 to 8139 ?

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