IDE DMA setting not available on 2.4.23 as a module

From: Santiago Garcia Mantinan
Date: Sun Nov 30 2003 - 14:59:27 EST


Yesterday I started to upgrade my systems to 2.4.23, some of them were
already running pre or rc versions, but when I tried my Pentium MMX wich
boots out of SCSI and on which I like to have IDE driver as a module, I
found that the DMA setting was not working, hdparm was saying:

setting using_dma to 1 (on)
HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted

So I changed the driver option to set DMA by default to ON, but nothing
changed, still the same problem, then I tried to compile the IDE driver into
the kernel instead of having it as a module and then the dma support started
to work, either having the driver enable it by default or by setting it with

The motherboard uses a 430TX chipset, thus with a PIIX4 IDE controller.

Is this a bug or is this a known and accepted limitation of having the IDE
driver as a module?

If you want me to test any patch to see if we can fix this, or need any more
info, don't hesitate to contact me.

Manty/BestiaTester ->
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