Re: Beaver In Detox AND IEEE1394 badness message

From: Bradley Chapman
Date: Wed Nov 26 2003 - 17:38:56 EST

Mr. Collins,

--- Ben Collins <bcollins@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > blk: queue dfd658cc, I/O limit 4095Mb (mask 0xffffffff)
> >
> > The badness message appears AFTER this line:
> >
> > ohci1394_0: OHCI-1394 1.1 (PCI): IRQ=[10] MMIO=[e8207000-e82077ff] Max
> > Packet=[2048]
> >
> > It used to appear BEFORE this line. Do the IEEE1394 fixes in the detoxed beaver
> > kernel have something to do with that? Or was it a fix in an earlier kernel?
> Odd, I fixed one, and another one pops up. Sucks that it doesn't show up
> for me, but thanks for the traceback.

You're welcome.

> Do things operate normally for you? Disabling kernel debug will kill the
> message (the symptom, not the problem). With the fixes I sent Linus, I
> am mainly interested in it just working.

Unfortunately, this is only an academic exercise -- I don't actually have any
IEEE1394 devices to test this driver with! *blushes*

However, a bug is a bug is a bug, so I reported it anyway. If it's absolutely
necessary, I think I can get my hands on some IEEE1394 stuff from a few people
I know and test it with that.



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