Re: Announce: ndiswrapper

From: Christian Axelsson
Date: Tue Nov 18 2003 - 07:51:56 EST

Pontus Fuchs wrote:

Since some vendors refuses to release specs or even a binary
Linux-driver for their WLAN cards I desided to try to solve it myself by
making a kernel module that can load Ndis (windows network driver API)
drivers. I'm not trying to implement all of the Ndis API but rather
implement the functions needed to get these unsupported cards working.

Sounds like a plan!

Ok, here we go with my intel PRO/2100 (those found in centrino laptops).
The drivers are taken from Acers homepage (I have an Travelmate 800)

02:04.0 Network controller: Intel Corp.: Unknown device 1043 (rev 04)

[lspci -n]
02:04.0 Class 0280: 8086:1043 (rev 04)

[utils/loaddriver 8086 1043 w70n51.sys w70n51.inf]
Calling putdriver ioctl
Unable to put driver (check dmesg for more info): Invalid argument

Putting driver size 2479104
Unknown symbol: ntoskrnl.exe:strlen
Unknown symbol: ntoskrnl.exe:memcpy
Unknown symbol: ntoskrnl.exe:memset
Unknown symbol: HAL.dll:WRITE_PORT_ULONG
Unknown symbol: HAL.dll:READ_PORT_ULONG
Unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:NdisResetEvent
Unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:NdisInitializeString
Unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:NdisMSleep
Unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:NdisUnchainBufferAtBack
Unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:NdisQueryBufferSafe
Unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:NdisGetFirstBufferFromPacketSafe
Unknown symbol: NDIS.SYS:NdisUnchainBufferAtFront
Unable to prepare driver

Christan Axelsson

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