Re: Bad interactivity with 2.6-test9

From: Rik van Riel
Date: Mon Nov 17 2003 - 13:55:44 EST

On Sun, 16 Nov 2003, Stan Bubrouski wrote:

> When I start watching a video under mplayer and have something like
> spamassassin doing a sa-learn in an x-term if I start the sa-learn
> before mplayer and then play a video, the sa-learn makes no progress
> until I switch away from mplayer (playing full screen). After which
> sa-learn continues to filter through messages much faster, and even
> while mplayer is going is still progressing much faster than before I
> switched away from mplayer the first time.
> Very odd. Con anyone ideas?

Looks like scheduler starvation. Con ?

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