Measuring per thread CPU consumption & others statistics for NPTL

From: Peter Zaitsev
Date: Sun Nov 16 2003 - 11:12:23 EST

Dear Kernel developers,

I would wish to add to MySQL profiling of CPU and system usage, which
would allow for example to see amount of system/user CPU needed to
process particular query as well as amount of IO needed.

With LinuxThreads I probably can use times() or getrusage() for this
purpose, as Threads share a lot of infrastructure with processes.

This however would not work with NPTL threads.

Are there any ways to get similar information for thread rather than
process ?

Second question is about accuracy - Is any way to get system/user CPU
consumption information with more than 1/100 sec accuracy ?

Thank you for your advices.

Peter Zaitsev, Full-Time Developer

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