Re: off the air

From: Jan-Benedict Glaw
Date: Fri Nov 14 2003 - 02:21:12 EST

On Thu, 2003-11-13 10:21:10 -0800, Tupshin Harper <tupshin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
wrote in message <3FB3CB96.9080507@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Davide Libenzi wrote:
> >Larry, if there are really six users (i'm one of them, rsync) among
> >pserver and rsync access, I am the first to tell you shut it down. It is
> >not worth. On the other hand IIRC it was you that, when Pavel showed up
> >with the bitbucket hack to extract metadata from BK, volunteered to do it
> >internally inside BM. Do I remember correctly?
> As one of the six, I would happily 2nd the shutting down of the
> pserver...rsync is fine with me. I would actually prefer no CVS archive
> at all as long as the raw changesets were rsyncable...then the community
> would be responsible for doing something useful with them instead of BM.

That would be fine with me, too, but there's one little drawback: The
changeset format. You can't simply use a patch(1) file because there is
a (really little) number of non-text files in the kernel source tree
that won't diff...


Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw@xxxxxxxxxx . +49-172-7608481
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