Re: off the air

From: Andrea Arcangeli
Date: Thu Nov 13 2003 - 11:42:04 EST

On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 08:29:45AM -0800, Larry McVoy wrote:
> If we had this approach we wouldn't have caught the torjan horse in the
> CVS tree. We checksum all the data, changed or not. Your approach
> pushes that duty onto the end users, and let's have a show of hands,

the suggestion of the md5sum wasn't related to keeping the data
secure/robust, we don't want to move the "robustness" duty onto the end
users of course, we only want to know when we can break the rsync loop.
The fact we'll do a further check possibly with a signature on the
md5sums, is a bonus, but it's not meant to replace in any way the
robusteness effort on the server side and we don't do it for robustness,
we do it only for providing a means of coherency to the changesets in
the tree.
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