Re: 2.9test9-mm1 and DAO ATAPI cd-burning corrupt

From: bill davidsen
Date: Mon Nov 10 2003 - 17:38:02 EST

In article <3FAB7F94.7050504@xxxxxx>,
Prakash K. Cheemplavam <prakashpublic@xxxxxx> wrote:

| So i tried the patch, but it didn't help. I cannot feel any difference.
| Here are the vstats. First for dealine and second fro patched as. Please
| keep in mind that (at the end of the stat) I fiddled a bit around with
| the kernel sources while doing the burn. Intersting would be the start
| of the erasing and start of burning. There as gives serious stuttering.

Please ignore my comment on system time, unwrapping the lines
misalligned them!
bill davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
CTO, TMR Associates, Inc
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