Re: 2.9test9-mm1 and DAO ATAPI cd-burning corrupt

From: bill davidsen
Date: Mon Nov 10 2003 - 17:18:01 EST

In article <3FAE1BB7.5090203@xxxxxx>,
Prakash K. Cheemplavam <prakashkc@xxxxxx> wrote:

| Yup, I verified it in windows. Same issue, so it is a hardware and not
| software issue.

Would you humor me and get the isosize of the image from isoinfo, then
try to read the image with
"dd if=/dev/cdrom bs=2k count={ISOSIZE} of=copy.iso"
and see if reading just the correct amount will in fact get the last
data? Note that this is another of those "sometimes works" things, your
firmware may really not allow you to avoid readahead, but I have several
drives (one CD one CD-R) which do work this way.

Curiosity only, but easier than doing md5sum on all the files after
mounting the CD.

I think the issue is pretty well defined, with no pad some drives can't
read to the end, and with pad a few drives will read the pad if you just
copy all the drive can read. And use of DAO vs TAO to record makes a
difference with some burners as well.
bill davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
CTO, TMR Associates, Inc
Doing interesting things with little computers since 1979.
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