SFFDC and blksize_size

From: Simon Haynes
Date: Fri Nov 07 2003 - 18:32:09 EST

I have been writing a block driver for SSFDC compliant SMC cards. This stuff
allocates 16k blocks. When I get requests the transfers are split into the
size I specifty in the blksize_size{MAJOR] array. It sems that most things
set this to 1k. In my case this causes a performance problem as I have to
end up doing 16 * (16K write, 16K read, 16k erase) to write and verify a
16k block which has been previously written.

I increased this size to 4k and now I only need 4 * this lot. !deally I would
like to do 1. However if I set the block size to 16k the module installation
crashes when I call register_disk.

I guess I could deal with the request queue myself but I would just like to
know if there is a 4k limit or I have some other bug.

Many Thanks

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