Semaphores and threads anomaly and bug?

From: John M Collins
Date: Tue Nov 04 2003 - 11:46:26 EST

(Please CC me in any reply as I'm not subscribed)

I know this isn't defined anywhere but the seems to be an ambiguity and discrepancy between versions of Unix and Linux over threads and semaphores.

Do the "SEM_UNDO"s get applied when a thread terminates or when the "whole thing" terminates?

I tried the following C++ program

#include <iostream>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>
#include <pthread.h>

using namespace std;

int semchan;

union semun {
int val; /* value for SETVAL */
struct semid_ds *buf; /* buffer for IPC_STAT, IPC_SET */
unsigned short *array; /* array for GETALL, SETALL */
/* Linux specific part: */
struct seminfo *__buf; /* buffer for IPC_INFO */

int getsemv()
return semctl(semchan, 0, GETVAL, 0);

void *tfunc(void *arg)
cout << "About to set sema4 current=" << getsemv() << endl;
sembuf sv;
sv.sem_op = 77;
sv.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO;
sv.sem_num = 0;
semop(semchan, &sv, 1);
cout << "Done,sem now=" << getsemv() << endl;
return 0;

int main()
semchan = semget(999, 1, 0666 | IPC_CREAT);
semun z;
z.val = 1;
semctl(semchan, 0, SETVAL, z);
cout << "Created sema4 initial value=" << getsemv() << endl;
cout << "Creating thread" << endl;
pthread_t th;
pthread_create(&th, 0, tfunc, 0);
pthread_join(th, 0);
cout << "After thread value=" << getsemv() << endl;
return 0;

Trying it on Linux (2.4.21 kernel) it says:

Created sema4 initial value=1
Creating thread
About to set sema4 current=1
Done,sem now=78
After thread value=1

Implying that the thread exit applies the SEM_UNDOs whereas trying on Solaris 2.9 and HP/UX 11 I get

Created sema4 initial value=1
Creating thread
About to set sema4 current=1
Done,sem now=78
After thread value=78

After which the value is 1, implying that the SEM_UNDOs get applied on process exit.

There is another anomaly which applies to SEM_UNDO in that when a process exits, every semaphore in the set has its "sempid" set to the process id of the exiting process, even ones that the process left alone. I think that in ipc/sem.c line 1062 the line should be made conditional on "u->semadj[i]" being non-zero.

I know all this isn't defined anywhere but I hit on this trying to write an application involving a server process using threads and a semaphore-protected shared memory segment accessed by client processes. The semaphore might be set to "locked" by a different thread from the one that "unlocks" it (I'm using "Mutexes" inside the server process). I know you probably don't want SEM_UNDO in a fully-debugged server process, only in the clients but it's all a question of getting the said server process into the glorious state of being "fully-debugged" or somewhere near there.

There is a potential problem here in that the code in ipc/sem.c doesn't allow the adjustment to yield a negative value but what if it starts at zero, thread A increments it, thread B decrements it back to zero (both with SEM_UNDO) and thread A exits first? Thread A's undo won't work and then thread B's undo will increment it again leaving it in an incorrect state which is different from thread B exiting first.

John Collins Xi Software Ltd

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