Re: 2.7 thoughts

From: William Lee Irwin III
Date: Fri Oct 10 2003 - 11:44:43 EST

Mark Mielke wrote:
>> Note that I didn't say that the software
>> approach could *guarantee* immediate success. You wouldn't unplug the
>> CPU until your had successfully deregistered the CPU from having anything
>> scheduled for it.
>> Is this not the way things (should) work?

On Fri, Oct 10, 2003 at 12:35:57PM -0400, Chris Friesen wrote:
> Note that if you're doing this for high availability purposes, you
> already need to have some way of handling a cpu that just dies in the
> middle of processing. Once you've done that, you can just re-use that
> to handle hot removal--it just gets treated like a fault. This is not
> to say that you can't try and shut it down nicely first, but its not a
> hard requirement.

If you've lost the registers in-kernel, you can't even get away with
shooting the process. I'm not sure what extreme HA wants to do with
that, but at a such a point it's not really even possible to figure
out how to extract the thing from whatever critical section it may
have been in.

-- wli
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