Re: keyboard repeat / sound [was Re: Linux 2.6.0-test6]
From: Aristeu Sergio Rozanski Filho
Date: Tue Sep 30 2003 - 08:28:11 EST
> This is because it is the same as on the latest 2.4 kernel. 2.6 used
> software autorepeat up to test6. Now, because of hardware bugs, it was
> necessary to switch back to hardware autorepeat, like 2.4 uses.
and it fixes the problem with my notebook's keyboard, thanks :)
> Interesting. This probably has much to do with mouse acceleration
> settings. What was done was that the mouse report rate was made LOWER
> (60 compared to 200) to cure problems with some systems that couldn't
> handle the high report rate.
> This makes the movement per report larger and thus the acceleration
> formula in XFree then works more aggressively.
test6 was the first 2.5/2.6 kernel that psmouse_noext=1 wasn't necessary
to make my synaptics touchpad work. but i noticed it's much more
sensible (with leads to be very difficult to hit xmms' pause button :)
than using it with noext option. is anyone working in an user level
application to configure 2.6's synaptics touchpad driver?
thanks again for your effort
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