Re: Can't X be elemenated?
From: Erik Steffl
Date: Mon Sep 29 2003 - 16:18:50 EST
George France wrote:
On Monday 29 September 2003 10:44 am, kartikey bhatt wrote:
1st. X is bloat. Though it's good for server environments. For desktop pcs
it's too heavy. On my machine (PIII500 with 128MB RAM) I have to choose
from either to run X or compile 2.6.0-test6.
running X does not prevent you from compiling kernel (I did it with a
lot lower spec'd machines before). It's true that on low end machine the
kernel compile prevents you from doing much else but that's true
regardless of X. Some X apps eat quite a lot of memory and if you run
openoffice and mozilla (and gnome or kde or enlightement) you end up not
being able to do anything else. But that's not problem of X, it's a
problem of specific applications. I have been using X (under linux)
since times of 486 & 128MB RAM and it's been quite OK (=responsive),
given that appropriate apps are chosen.
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