Re: Linksys WRT54G: Part 2
From: Erik Andersen
Date: Sun Sep 28 2003 - 19:15:48 EST
On Sun Sep 28, 2003 at 07:14:24PM -0400, Andrew Miklas wrote:
> Previously, it was thought that the WRT54G source releases had only
> neglected to include the source code for the various kernel modules
> used to run the ethernet and wireless interfaces. However, at this
> time, it is clear that the kernel proper of the WRT54G itself has had
> functionality added to it. This functionality is not present in the
> kernel code that Linksys has provided at their "GPL Code Center".
In addition, every program that links against libnetconf also
needs to have source released, as the libnetconf source is
apparently just parts ripped out from iptables....
Erik B. Andersen
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