Re: log-buf-len dynamic
From: Samium Gromoff
Date: Fri Sep 26 2003 - 09:27:41 EST
Larry wrote:
> it's going to be a while before any alternative shows up. People mumble
> about arch until they go use it for a while and realize it is about 3-5
> years behind BK. Linus isn't about to step backwards that far.
Thanks for a dose of desinf^D^D^D^D^D^Denlightenment, Larry.
Seriously, someone whom Linus have entrusted his revision control
needs, should be a bit more objective, to say the least.
In this way Linus is going to keep telling things like:
> Andrea - please just shut up.
> Until you can point to anything even _remotely_ as good as BitKeeper,
> there's no point in just continually trying to start a flame-war.
_quite_ for some time...
BTW i really doubt you are so badly informed on Arch progress,
since it is you most close competitor.
And, as the last note, if Linus was at least somewhat interested
in replacing bk with something less community-irritating, he could
do google queries like that more often:
google://"revision control" "distributed development"
Guess what? Arch is on the _first_ hit.
cheers, Samium Gromoff
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