Re: Keyboard oddness.
From: Nicolas Mailhot
Date: Fri Sep 26 2003 - 08:14:00 EST
| > > > Couldn't it at least detect there's a problem ? Most people I know do not press a key
| > > > 2000+ times in a row during normal activity.
| > >
| > > You do. Scrolling up/down in a document is one example. And there is no
| > > point to limit the repeat to say 80 or 200 characters. You would still
| > > hate having 80 repeated characters and then it stopping.
| >
| > Well then only allow monster autorepeats for arrows then.
| > (they are never stuck in my board anyway;)
| And j, k, w, b, ., all function keys, <bs>, <del>, <cr>,
| <sp>, <tab> and any other key used by any editor or game for
| navigation, level control or other function where the same
| key would be used scores of times in in rapid sequence.
score << 2k+
I wrote about monster autorepeats not every single duplicated keypress.
I fully agree it's stupid to expect detecting every single bogus repeat.
However saying the system has no way to guess monster
autorepeats=problem is just plain wrong. There *are* thresholds after
which one can be 99% sure there is a problem (autorepeat gone mad or cat
sitting on the keyboard). No one is going to complain he has to release
a key every hundred or so repeats to confirm there's a human on the
other side of the keyboard.
Nicolas Mailhot
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